Week by SwirlySpace

Week  إسبوع  Týden  Uge  Woche  εβδομάδα  Semana  Viikko  Semaine  שבוע  Settimana  週  Uke  Tydzień  неделя  Vecka  สัปดาห์  星期
In many countries everything is planned according to week numbers. Finding the week number on your iPhone has, until now, been quite cumbersome. This is all history now! The Week app is the only app always showing you the correct week number directly on the springboard. Very simple and elegant!
According to your Date/Time and Region Format settings the red badge on the icon will always be kept updated to show you the correct week number. The configuration is done automatically when you start the app for the first time. After that there is no need to start the app again since the badge will be continuously updated to show the correct week number by utilising the Apple Push Notification service.

If you change your Date/Time or Region Format settings, just start the app again to allow it to synchronize with the week server.
Week On The SpringBoard
Week simply shows you the current week number in its icon's badge. That's it, very simple and elegant, and always up-to-date!

Starting The App
This is all you will see if you start the app once it has synchronized with the week server. Synchronization is done automatically the first time you start it.

Synchronization of Settings
The first time you start the app you might see this for a short while.

You must enable Notifications both globally and for the Week app itself. Otherwise you will see this.

If you have further questions please have a look in our forum or contact us at [email protected]

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All rights reserved